Volunteer Information

Click here to sign up to volunteer!

The Oak Ridge Junior Trojans (ORJT) Football and Cheer program is a non-profit, 501(c)3 organization and has no paid members. In order to guarantee the success of our organization, we will continue to rely on participant member’s families commitment to volunteering.

The ORJT sincerely appreciates each and every one of our volunteers! Without such a commitment, we would not be able provide the extraordinary level of service afforded to this amazing group of athletes within our community.

IF YOU WORK FOR INTEL - LET US KNOW (intel will donate to ORJT for every hour you volunteer!)


  • Each participant’s family is committed to a minimum of volunteer 12 hours per season.
  • Families with multiple participant members are committed to a minimum of 16 hours per season.
  • Available Volunteer positions will be posted on a weekly basis. Each Sunday, positions for the following week will be posted promptly at 6pm. http://jrtrojans.ivolunteer.com If you have a strong desire for a particular position, we recommend you logon as close to 6pm as possible.
  • Arrangements/Accommodations will be made for those families with disabilities or special circumstances. Contact the VP of Admin for assistance.


  • Families failing to complete the minimum amount of required volunteer hours will be assessed a $500 penalty to the program in order to participate in following seasons. (Any penalties collected will be earmarked to benefit the Scholastic All-star Program)
  • Midget families failing to complete minimum hours will forfeit their volunteer deposit at the end of the season.
  • All members failing to meet the minimum criteria for volunteering will no longer be considered ‘Members in Good Standing’ and forfeit any ORJT voting rights.


  • Volunteers must be at least 18 years of age (Minimum 16 years of age with Board Member approval).
  • If unable to fill a position already committed to, finding replacements will be the responsibility of the member committed to volunteering. Any replacement must be communicated to the Vice President of Administration a minimum of 48 hours prior to the event.
  • When fulfilling the role of Volunteer, you will be representing the ORJT organization. Wearing appropriate clothing is mandatory. Come dressed in Blue, Gold or White or a combination there of. (ORJT spirit wear preferred). - Please note, failure to comply may result in a dismissal from the volunteer position and hours will not be accrued.
  • Families can work any approved position regardless of whether the participant member is Football or Cheer.

    We understand not all families are able to commit to volunteering on game days. In addition to the game day volunteer positions, other opportunities will be made available to complete the hours required. See a Coach or Board Member to inquire about other positions available. Announcements will be made throughout the season should additional opportunities become available.

    Game Day Positions Available (NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY):
  • Home GameDetails
    Pre-Game Stadium/Field CleanupGeneral policing of stadium,stands and field.
    Field PrepPreparing field by assisting with water, equipment, etc
    AM Gate (Home & Visitor)Monitor Gate During Setup/cleaup activities.
    ConcessionsAssist with sales in concessions stand
    Food PrepPrepare food for sales in concession stand.
    Grill(Food items vary, menu dependent).
    Grill PrepPrepare items for grilling.
    Grill CloseGeneral cleanup of grill area (Usually last half of last game)
    Team Store SetupSetting up store prior to start of the first game
    Ticket Sales (Home & Visitor)Selling of tickets for entry into stadium
    Gate Security (Home, Visitor & Back Gate)Monitor gate during ticket sales for entry control.
    Announcer (Board Approved)Announces plays, players, sponsors, etc for the game.
    SpotterBooth position, records plays, statistics etc.
    Asst. SpotterAssists spotter, booth position, records plays, statistics etc
    Team StoreMerchandise sales in team store.
    Par (Home & Visitor) - League RequiredTeam forfeits if not filled-Sideline position to ensure each player is afforded the minimum plays required
    Post Game Stadium/Field Clean-upGeneral policing of stadium, stands and field
    Away GameDetails
    Par (Home & Visitor) - League RequiredTeam Forfeits if not filled - Sideline position to ensure each player is afforded the minimum plays required
    Chain GangSideline position posting first down markers under direction of game officials