What safety measures do we employ within our organization to ensure our athletes are safe?
  Reconditioning helmets every two years.  We instituted a bar coding system so we can track the lifecycle of every asset, i.e., pads, helmets, etc. to ensure items are replaced or reconditioned regularly.                  
Cheer mats for practices, Trained professional medical staff attends every single games, ‘Heads up safety program’ (all Head Coaches are trained/certified), All Coaches are CPR and First Aid Certified, All Coaches Must pass a background check.

 What is the minimum entry age of athletes?

    All players must meet the grade/age/weight limits to certify.
    The minimum age to play ORJT football is 6 years old as of June 15 prior to the upcoming fall season.  The youngest age division is Jr. Pee Wee, which has a maximum age of 9 as of June 15.
    Jr. Pee Wee is subsequently followed by Pee Wee (11U), Junior Midget (13U), and Midget (14U).  Any player who is 15 on or prior to June 15th will not be certified to play and all Eighth graders must play Midget.
    ORJT also has weight requirements for each level of play, see the age/weight chart in Registration info for details.

  •  CHEER       Cheer minimum age 7 by June 15th. Cheer also has an additional division 'Mascots' (less commitment and age flexible) for our younger cheerleaders.

  Do registration payments have to be made all at once?
No, we offer payment options or of course you’re welcome to pay all fees at once. An initial payment requirements will differ depending on what squad/team you are registering for. All registration fees must be paid in full by Jamboree (Date TBD)

How much does it cost to play football and to cheer and how is the money  spent?
Registration fees for cheer are approximately $700 per season and football about $450, we say approximate’ due to the many factors that affect the final cost/budget.
ORJT offers a scholarship program for those that demonstrate a financial need, please email the Vice President of Admin for more details. Our budget items include annual helmet certification, sock and belt purchases for football, facility rental from El Dorado Unified  School District, cheer mat, equipment replacement, etc.      
To apply for Financial Assistance, please follow the instructions in the: Cheer Financial Aid or Football Financial Aid

When does football and cheer begin and end?
Cheer clinic and tryouts are generally in the spring, April or early May. Must attend a clinic to try out and be considered for team placement.
The ORJT season game schedule typically runs from August through October and possibly into November.  General conditioning will usually commence the week after July 4.  Conditioning will be 1 week followed by 3 weeks of tryouts and team formation.

 What is the tryout and practice schedule?

 Football: Tryouts commence in mid-July and run through early August.  Tryouts are 2 hours per weekday for 3 weeks. Following the mandatory tryout period, practices are for 2 hours per weekday for the next 2 weeks, then drop to 3-4 nights per week for the rest of the season.                    

Cheer: Tryouts follow the mandatory Cheer Clinic in April or May. Practices will consist of 3 to 4 days per week. Practices hours are usually 4 days per week in the beginning and near the end of the season (preparing for competition).

Bottom line, want to know how to plan your summer? Get everything done in June.

How many games are there in a season?
The league teams are always changing but ORJT will play approximately 8 games in a regular. Post season can run up to three additional games.
Cheer will also participate in Cheer Competitions towards the end of and sometime after the end of the season. These competitions will vary from year to year. Usually two competitions per season.

What if my child has no cheer or football experience?
No problem! We have rookie players and cheerleaders on every team every season.                       

Per our Mission Statement '....The objective of ORJT is to teach and develop all participants equally in football and cheerleading skills....' This applies to all ages and no positions on teams set prior to the season starting.

What are the required volunteer hours? Why are we required to volunteer?
Each participant’s family is committed to 12 hours of volunteer work or a maximum of 16 if one family has more than 1 participant.  There is only 1 exception: cheer mascot families only owe 8 due to them only cheering at home games.
If you’ve never been to an ORJT game, you can only imagine the amount of work and labor it takes to make the entire day run smoothly. Since we have no paid staff, we are entirely dependent on volunteers . Our first shift of volunteers arrive at the field at 7:00 am and the last shift leaves around 7:00 pm and can sign up in 2 hour increments. We have 4  games to play, concessions run all day,  and our team store to run, all of which takes a small army to accomplish.

What if I have more questions?
Feel free to contact any coach or board member. We are happy to answer any questions not addressed in the FAQs. Contact information can be found under Football or Cheer Coaches as well as our Board of Directors tab.